Welcome to our website

Welcome to the JGSDF faction website, we are more than happy to inform you on how our faction works and what kind of gameplay you can expect when joining us.
Have fun reading!

So, what is the JGSDF?

The JGSDF is a Japanese based faction based off the actual organisation in real life. Since 2014, the JSDF have been allowed to participate in operations overseas with the ever changing policy of its country when it comes to foreign affairs. We as a faction wish to recreate that on Roblox.

JGSDF's story started back before the Shadow Raid update on BRM5 and we were known as the LDF. We were a very chill faction and we had few members, all of us being friends. We decided to reform the entire faction and to become more professional after we had a short downtime; We became more strict, hosted more serious events, overhauled the ranking system and reconstructed LDF into a much more posed faction overall.

As of now, the faction is getting bigger day by day, with us making more creative ways on how to host events like trainings and patrols, moving new ideas and improvements forwards.

A big achievement we've reached in 2020 is becoming one of Platinum Five's official factions!
Keep reading the rest of the website to get to know more about us!